Bailoy GTI PC
Product Brochure
Version 3.20
• Distributed by Bailoy
• Compatible with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
This is a major version of GTI-PC software with the main benefit of compatibility with Microsoft Windows 10.
This allows sites with older computers to upgrade to the latest hardware safe in the knowledge that GTI software is completely compatible and they can continue to use their irrigation system without any interruption.
As with previous GTI versions, it is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Swedish and Korean.
Product Brochure
New Systems
Sites looking to install a new GTI-PC system will always be issued with the latest version of GTI software and can find all the information they require within the GTI-PC section of the web site. Any required updates will be given free of charge for the first year.
Customers with an active GTI System Support Agreement will receive version updates free of charge as part of their Agreement.
Existing Systems
If you are an existing user of a GTI system, it is recommended to keep up to date with the latest software from Bailoy.
Upgrading to the latest GTI-PC software will ensure that your GTI irrigation system is running with the latest features and benefits to help your system work at its optimum performance. It also ensures it is fully compatible with the latest windows operating systems and driver files for peripheral items such as USB Serial Port adaptors, Fibre Optic Adaptors, Communication Boosters and the DTMF Radio interface.
When you upgrade your GTI software, your existing hardware will not require replacing and will continue to work as before. The only exception to this is sites upgrading from very old 2.xx software versions which will require a replacement Fibre Optic Adaptor, USB Serial Port Adaptor and a DOU Firmware update. All these items are included in the upgrade pack and can be fitted in minutes.
Database and site data information
The upgrade is a simple and seamless process and allows the user to transfer all the existing databases and records from the previous version being used if a backup copy has been saved to a USB memory stick.
It is so important that the data in your database accurately reflects the hardware installed on site. If information is out of date the system will not function to its full potential and may cause over and underwatering as well as unwanted wear and tear on sprinklers, pumps and pipework.
For further information on how your data can affect your system and services we offer in relation to this, see related pages below.